DVA Home Care & Nursing service registered Provider Melbourne

We are an Approved DVA Home Care & Nursing service registered Provider.

Nurse 4U is proud to support those who supported us. We thank you all. Nurse4U also acknowledge the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders who served and continue to serve our country.

Nurse4U provides both Veterans’ Home Care and Community Nursing Services and can guide you through the process to get the support you need. We can assist with enquiries regarding eligibility, the referral process or provision of services. Service will commence upon a written referral. We can then arrange a home visit to discuss your needs and develop a tailored care plan.

The DVA Community Nursing Program

The Department of Veterans’ (DVA) Community Nursing Program delivers community and home nursing services to eligible people to meet their clinical and personal care needs as assessed. Nurse4U is extremely proud to be an approved provider of services to Veterans and their widows through the community nursing program.

DVA’s Community Nursing Program is aimed at enhancing the health outcomes and independence of the eligible person by avoiding early and unnecessary admission to residential care and/or hospital by providing access to community nursing services.

The community nursing program can assist with

  • Medication Management
  • Continence management
  • Wound Care
  • Diabetes Management
  • Catheter Care
  • Personal Care, including assistance with dressing and showering.

Veterans’ Home Care

The program provides a range of low-level support to assist eligible veterans and war widows/widowers to continue living in their own home.

Through Veterans’ Home Care (VHC), a range of home care services are available to help you maintain your health, wellbeing, and independence. Services available include:

  • Domestic assistance, such as house cleaning, laundry, and unescorted shopping
  • Personal care, such as assistance with showering, dressing, and grooming
  • Respite care to provide a break for carers.

To receive these services, you will need to be assessed by a VHC Assessment Agency. Eligibility depends on the type of Repatriation Health Card you have, the kind of residence you live in and if you are receiving any other healthcare programs.

These assessments are done mostly over the phone and those eligible will receive a care plan outlining the services they have been approved for. Once your assessment is approved, you can request Nurse4U to provide the services you require.


Depending on your DVA card type, the department will fund certain types of care. Only gold and white card holders are eligible for the program, unless permission is received from the DVA with your referral for services.

Gold Card holders: The DVA will fund community nursing services that meet your assessed personal care and/or clinical requirements.

White card holders: The DVA will only fund community nursing services if they are required due to an accepted disability, this includes war or service caused injury or disease.

If you are unsure of your eligibility for the program, Nurse4U can contact the department on your behalf to confirm your entitlement, and advocate on your behalf if you need a little extra support.

Program services are determined by your clinical needs and may be short or long-term following an illness or injury. Unlike other funding arrangements where you receive a package of funding, there are no funding limits, rather the DVA fund care based on your assessed needs.

Do you have questions about DVA registered providers? Or would like to chat to someone in person? Give us a call on (03) 8714 5816. We’re happy to help.

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